
to covenant Lutheran church

Join us for Sunday Worship at 10:00 am!  All are welcome - come as you are!

Worship is followed by Christian Education classes for all ages.

Visit or Contact us at:

2901 Barker Cypress Rd

Houston, TX  77084


Email Church Office

Holy Week & Easter Worship Schedule

Palm/Passion Sunday - April 13 - 10:00 am (Blood Drive from 8:30 am - 1 pm)

Maundy Thursday - April 17 - 7:00 pm (includes Holy Communion and stripping the altar)

Good Friday - April 18 - 7:00 pm (includes dramatic readings)

Easter Sunday - April 20 - 10:00 am, followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for the children

Day Camp at Covenant - July 14-18, 2025

Covenant will offer a Day Camp for kids in completed grades K - 5 from 8:30 - 3:00 pm on July 14-18.  The counselors from Camp Lutherhill in LaGrange will be on site to lead a FUN program that includes a Bible lesson, songs, crafts, games, snacks and a day of water fun! The cost is $70 for the week for the first child; additional siblings are $50.  Ask us if you need scholarship help to pay for camp. REGISTER HERE!

Covenant is a community of vital, faithful, active people located on the west side of Houston, Texas. Covenant is a place where people discover their gifts, build relationships and develop faith in a safe, accepting, welcoming environment.

People matter at Covenant. The people who gather for worship at our services become salt and light in their neighborhoods, schools and workplaces. People come to Covenant because they know they will leave here having been touched by the love of God in healing, life affirming ways.

This website is intended to be an introductory peek into the life of the Christ-centered community that is Covenant Lutheran Church. Throughout you will learn about what we do and discover how easy it is to get more information - just call or email us (click on "Contact Us") and we'll respond as quickly as possible. Enjoy your visit and we invite you to check us out on Sunday. We dress casually, so come as you are!

View a slideshow from Covenant's 40-year history HERE.

Read our diversity statement HERE.

Covenant is a congregation of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).